October 31, 2017

Fare thee well

Leo takes a rest after four.
A good place as any to observe a twenty one year old cat eat a chicken neck.
Ni wrenches on a warm day in late September.
My parents reaction to my sister's pregnancy announcement!!!!
Honeymoonin' at Kakabeca Falls.
Brother in law Conrad scales a silo for a good look about.
My mother in law Tammy and her handsome sons.
Gus went to the neighborhood barbershop for a trim from Walter.
He barely moved a muscle during the trim. Animal Cracker contentment.
Ladies Lake Shaker. Cold dip in October!
Three dingdongs on a stroll through some pretty land.
Two lovers having a time at a party.
William finds some ice.

This is the last roll from my trusty Olympus SP-35 partycam captured from early September all the way to the end of October. That sweet camera is officially hooped. Oh how it hurts to lay an old friend down. I might as well bury the thing and say a little prayer of thanksgiving.


Olympus SP-35 / Delta 400

October 16, 2017

Portrait of two Newlyweds!

My sweet love and I have been married for one month. Feels great! This polaroid was shot by my cousin Ziggy immediately after we had walked down the aisle and were grinning like idiots! Looking at this psychical photograph one month later makes me grin so wide my cheeks hurt. Good sign.

Personal Nature

October 2, 2017

Portrait of a Quilt

Portrait of a fibre enthusiast. 
I almost love the backside the most. My wonky workmanship really sings in this shot. 

While on the honeymoon homestretch, Iain noticed my hyper focus shift to the last GD block on my small rookie quilt. A wise woman once told me to keep the first of every experiment and this hand stitched quilt was quite the experiment for yours truly. This one's for me. I will make more for the people! I began this quilt in April, on a grey Mental Health day at home. Free to play around with the stack of recently dyed and printed fabric I had kicking around. The white blocks were leftover fabric from a very soft duvet I had thrifted for another purpose many moons before then. I have started on a new quilt for a new babe in my life (still percolating away in a lovely woman I know) which will be triangles of blue moons and the like. Stay tuned.

Margot's back!

Photo thanks to Beetle IDP
MB / Ontario border; September 2017
Kiev 60 / Portra 400