February 19, 2018

In the Doldrums

Winter blues.

Demure Babs.

Young ladies out of a stroll on Stradbrook.

Marj's last Easter feast.

A perfectly good scene.

Last of winter.

Tail end of Winter and early Spring of 2009.

Nikon F3 / 1:1.4 / Kodak 400

February 18, 2018

Ten Years in the Sun

Buds along the Winnipeg River on a hot day. Manitoba, 2008.
Layds in the sun.

Post dip, pre dinner. Manitoba, 2008.

Rouge in yellow on contrast film.

A. Wong fashion at work.

I captured these photographs at my friend Chad's folks' cabin along a beautiful river somewhere in Manitoba. I forget where now but this contrast work hardly holds a candle to the beauty of that place in reality. Winnipeg River? Surrounded by beautiful and strong women I admired at the time, this series was captured one decade ago in July of 2008 depicts afternoon delight. If I recall correctly, I was more interested in capturing portraits of people and environments at that time than anything else. When I look at my photo work spanning the last decade, I am reminded to pick up my camera and photograph the minute slivers of my day to day. It will be good to look back upon later in life and I will thank myself for capturing those visual affirmations of time well spent.

Nikon F3 / 1:1.2 / Tmax

February 11, 2018

Eye on the Classroom

Life through binoculars is better!

Pouring at the water table.


The Classroom is calling me. These two images come from three and one quarter rolls of 35mm Delta 400 shot in a Montessori classroom of children at work in their environment. It is a beautiful thing to observe most often. I asked and this is what they gave.

May 2017

Canon AE-1/ 50mm 1:1.8 lens / Delta 400

I can't remember when I felt so good / Baby since I met you

Jen and her baby daughter Soona. Winnipeg, MB; April 2017.
What up Marjie?
Portrait of my four year old friend JJ and his beloved Elmo toque. Winnipeg, MB; April 2017.
Airin' out the TC linen pieces still wet with ink. May 2017.
I came outside to photograph my linens in the sun only to find Ni painting the truck box shit brown. Oh I love this man. Winnipeg, MB; May 2017.
Patience hat on, slow and steady now.
Portrait of my dear Grandmother Helen holding her ninth great-grandbabe, Soona.
Portrait of three generations captured in the spring. Rosenort, Manitoba.
Portrait of my Uncle Jim and his grandbabe Cyrus.
Portrait of my parlour.
Portrait of our ambrotype portrait captured by Suzette Jordan in Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia.

Spring is my favorite season. This was a roll I shot over the end of April into May of 2017.

Kiev 60 / 120 Delta 400

Family & Fauna

Cooking class in Chiang Mai, Thailand with Ni at the helm; December 2016.

A man rests on Moon Road in the Old Town. Chiang Mai; December 2016.

Fawnin' over the flora and fauna in Chiang Mai.

Just another sunny day in the neighborhood. It was a treat to walk around Chiang Mai with the Kiev!

Christmas Eve on Koh Samui with Milky, Ma, Ni & Pa. 

Santa's Little Helpers scootin' & bootin' all over town; Koh Samui, Thailand.

Here is my beautiful mother Kim, on vacation in Thailand.

Here is my handsome dad Cal, on vacation in Thailand.

Here is a roll of 120 Portra 400 for your viewing pleasure. I love this roll and the people it depicts. Enjoy this sliver of a look into an excellent journey to Thailand in December of 2016.

Kiev 60 / Portra 400